The Tronix Network
CCPA Privacy Policy (California Residents)

This Privacy Policy applies solely to visitors, users, and others who reside in the State of California ("consumers" or "you"). We adopt this Privacy Policy to comply with the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (CCPA) and any terms defined in the CCPA have the same meaning when used in this Policy.

Information We Collect:

We collect information that identifies, relates to, describes, references, is capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be linked directly or indirectly with a particular consumer or device ("personal information"). In particular, we have collected the following categories of personal information from consumers within the last twelve (12) months:

  • Identifiers such as name, email address, postal address, unique personal identifier, online identifier, IP address, account name, or other similar identifiers.
  • Personal information categories listed in the California Customer Records statute (Cal. Civ. Code ยง 1798.80(e)) include name, address, telephone number, credit card number, debit card number, and any other financial information.
  • Internet or other electronic network activity information, including but not limited to browsing history, search history, and information regarding a consumer's interaction with an Internet website, application, or advertisement.
  • Geolocation data.
  • Professional or employment-related information.
We obtain the categories of personal information listed above from the following categories of sources:
  • Directly from you or your agents when you interact with our website, products, or services.
  • Automatically collected through cookies, analytics services, and other tracking technologies when you use our website or services.
  • From third parties that provide services to us or that we use to enhance our services.
Use of Personal Information:

We may use or disclose the personal information we collect for one or more of the following business purposes:

  • To fulfill or meet the reason for which the information is provided.
  • To provide support, personalize, and develop our website, products, and services.
  • To create, maintain, customize, and secure your account with us.
  • To process your requests, purchases, transactions, and payments, and prevent transactional fraud.
  • To provide you with support and respond to your inquiries, including investigating and addressing your concerns and monitoring and improving our responses.
  • For testing, research, analysis, and product development, including to develop and improve our website, products, and services.
  • To respond to law enforcement requests and as required by applicable law, court order, or governmental regulations.
  • As described to you when collecting your personal information or as otherwise set forth in the CCPA.
Your Rights and Choices:

The CCPA provides consumers with specific rights regarding their personal information. This section describes your CCPA rights and explains how to exercise those rights:

Right to Know:

You have the right to request that we disclose certain information about our collection and use of your personal information over the past 12 months. Once we receive and confirm your verifiable consumer request, we will disclose to you the following:

  • The categories of personal information we collected about you.
  • The categories of sources for the personal information we collected about you.
  • Our business or commercial purpose is to collect or sell that personal information.
  • The categories of third parties with whom we share that personal information.
  • The specific pieces of personal information we collected about you.
Right to Delete:

You have the right to request that we delete any personal information that we collected from you and retained, subject to certain exceptions. Once we receive and confirm your verifiable consumer request, we will delete (and direct our service providers to delete) your personal information from our records, unless an exception applies.

Right to Opt-Out of Sale:

We do not sell your personal information.


We will not discriminate against you for exercising your CCPA rights.

Personal Data Exempt from CCPA:

Certain types of Personal Data are exempt from the CCPA. If you submit a request regarding your Personal Data and in our sole opinion we believe that your Personal Data is either in part or in whole exempt from the CCPA, we will inform you as such. Examples include Personal Data that is processed under the following laws or obligations:

  • Our compliance with federal, state, or local laws, compliance with a court order or subpoena to provide information, or cooperating with law enforcement and regulatory agencies in conducting investigations.
  • Publicly available information from government records.
  • Deidentified or aggregated consumer information.
  • Information excluded from the CCPA's scope such as:
    • Health or medical information covered by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) and the California Confidentiality of Medical Information Act (CMIA) or clinical trial data.
    • Personal Information covered by certain sector-specific privacy laws including the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FRCA), the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) or California Financial Information Privacy Act (FIPA), and the Driver's Privacy Protection Act of 1994.
How to Exercise Your Rights:

To exercise your rights described above, please submit a verifiable consumer request to us by contacting us at Support Center. Only you or a person registered with the California Secretary of State you authorize to act on your behalf may make a verifiable consumer request related to your personal information.

Changes to Our Privacy Policy:

We reserve the right to amend this privacy policy at our discretion and at any time. When we change this privacy policy, we will notify you through a notice on our website.

Contact Information:

If you have any questions or comments about this Privacy Policy, how we collect and use your personal information, your choices and rights regarding such use, or wish to exercise your rights under California law, please do not hesitate to contact us at Support Center.